Flash Sale Unlocked ⚡ 10% Off with Code “VIPFOR14” – Limited Time Offer!
Heats up to 2,000 sq. feet! Large viewing area.
Bay Design w/Stainless Steel Frame.
Black Powerful Blower, 86% Burn efficiency, EPA Certified, 110 Volt 55 lbs.
Electric Stove is popular because of its modern appearance, large bay view window, programmable 7 day internal thermostat, and powerful heat output. Included blower circulates warm air throughout your home, maximizing the stove’s heating power. Heats up to 2,000 sq. feet! Large viewing area. Bay Design w/Stainless Steel Frame. Black Powerful Blower, 86% Burn efficiency, EPA Certified, 110 Volt 55 lbs Heats up to 2,000 sq. feet! Large viewing area. Bay Design w/Stainless Steel Frame. Black Powerful Blower, 86% Burn efficiency, EPA Certified, 110 Volt 55 lbs.